Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Poetics of space, yea ok

Bachelard states that "our house is our first universe," I say god I hope not. He gives the house too much credit when he states that our home is an embodiment of dreams. For some it's nightmares and repressed memories and molestation and family feuds, for me its just a storage space for stuff and temporary situations. Whether it be emotions, dreams, stuff, or livelihood, it to me is all temporary. Everything can and will be replaced, the house with it and all that it entails, including the so called dreams.

"Home" rather then a physical house has more to do with personal experiences and feelings. I can agree that a house can be a space for solitude, imagination, and creativity but when I think of houses I've lived in, I don't really think about how creative I was or what my dreams were had but I do consider solidarity and mostly where I may be living next. I partly agree with Bachelard when he states "We bring our lares with us," the house as a object, I do compare a present house to a previous one. I have made twenty-two different moves in my life in which i lived in seventeen different houses. I can recall only some of my emotions while residing in them but i can almost recall every emotion summoned when i had to leave one place to move to another. So saying that a house is a metaphor for self would be a horrible thought but maybe the fact that I have yet to find a home within a house saids something else.

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