Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dave's methods (first week's assignment)

For me the studio exists somewhere between where I am at the current moment to where I am going or coming from. I find that the overwhelming amount of objects (fragmented in their meanings) that confront me daily while in transit become the fodder for which I am provided instances of critical discourse or further question. I believe that the material-objects should discover themselves in dialogue and should remain formally under constant considering notions of free play. As well I should also be cognizant of a constantly evolving concept to harness its positive limitations and gain a better understanding of its reach.
As far as research is concerned I believe that searching for doubt is as relevant as searching for a particular truth. I read anything from biographies, to poetry, to fiction as well as non. As for finding new influences I am trying to discover a common tether in the sensibilities of artists from the movements of surrealism, minimalism, archive art and political art. I work from a list of artists and galleries to find contemporaries and use the library for older contexts of my placement in the art realm. Keeping an idea log is helpful, as I have strayed momentarily from drawing, in its most formal sense. Drawing as a plan I believe will only help me as I am finding an unbalance in what I am doing verses what I am thinking.

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