Monday, December 19, 2011

Romancing the LookyLoos- David Hickey

This article was very telling of how people perceive art and music and the artists themselves. I found this very comical almost because the realization that we make art and/or music for people just like is pretty apparent now taking a step back and thinking about myself and other artists I know. Musicians that I know want to start off with their "independent label" but want to become "known" and yet they wont settle for becoming a secular artist. They dont want to sell out but they want the fame that comes with it. Being a participant instead of a spectator is a huge difference in how they interact with the artist or musician, but often times the spectators are the ones who empower the upcoming artist the most because of their authority and separateness from the artist, and their lack of care in general for the truth of the artist. In the art world the necessity for social networking and interaction is key in this day and age. But, does this mean you need to sell yourself to the spectators or is there a place to still be true to your work or art and yourself and to surround yourself with participants who are just like you.

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